Emvoice One User Guide

Last updated July 2024

Need a quick-start overview to help you make better vocals? Get the Emvoice One Cheat Sheet:

Please also be aware that we have an updated, much faster support system in beta mode. To use it, head to https://emvoiceapp.com and click on the below icon:

Installing and Running Emvoice One

To download Emvoice One, head to our website. On the homepage, you will find both Mac and Windows installation packages.

Emvoice One is a plugin, not a standalone piece of software. It is available in VST2, VST3, AU and AAX formats. Emvoice One will run in Logic Pro, Ableton Live, Studio One, REAPER, Bitwig, Cubase, and *almost any other Digital Audio Workstation.

Installation for Mac Users

Once downloaded, a .pkg file should appear in your downloads folder. Open it, and installer will guide you through the installation process.

Once installed, the .pkg file can be moved to trash. To load Emvoice One in your DAW, do one of the following:

If your DAW is not already open, open it and your DAW should scan for new plugins as it is loading.

If your DAW is already open, restart it or rescan for plugins.

Now, when you open a project, Emvoice One should appear wherever you find third-party instrument plugins in your DAW.

Mac Installation Locations

Below you can find the default installation locations for plugins on Mac:

AU - Macintosh HD:/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/

VST 2 - Macintosh HD:/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/

VST 3 - Macintosh HD:/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3/

AAX - Macintosh HD:/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-ins/

Installation for Windows Users

A .exe file will appear in your downloads folder when you download Emvoice One for Windows.

Open the .exe file and setup will guide you through the installation process.

To load Emvoice One in your DAW, do one of the following:

If your DAW is not already open, open it and your DAW should scan for new plugins as it is loading.

If your DAW is already open, restart it or rescan for plugins.

You may also need to restart your PC.

Windows Installation Location

Below you can find the default installation locations for plugins on Windows:

VST 2 - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Steinberg\VST2

VST 3 - C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3

AAX - C:\Program Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-ins\

Uninstalling Emvoice One

To remove the Emvoice One plugin from your system, simply delete the VST 2, VST 3, AAX and/or AU files from their installed locations (see above to find PC and Mac installation locations)

To remove other files associated with Emvoice One, including configuration data, dictionaries and cached audio, delete the following folder, depending on your system…

Mac: Macintosh HD:/Users/<user-name> (Hold Command-Shift-period) /.emvoice

PC: C:\Users\<user-name>\.emvoice

If you would like to delete or disable your Emvoice account, head to https://emvoiceapp.com/dash, sign-in, and click "Delete Account"

Emvoice One Shortcut Directory

When held, several keys alter the functionality of the changes you make whilst programming notes.

Phoneme List

  • AE: That man

  • AH: The banana

  • AO: Saw all four

  • AA: Got far

  • AW: Out now

  • AY: High life

  • EH: Then get

  • IY: She sees

  • EY: Gain Weight

  • IH: Dig in

  • OW: No goat

  • OY: Boy joint

  • UH: Good pull

  • UW: Cool dude

  • W: What

  • Y: You

  • B: Be

  • CH: Chat

  • D: Do

  • F: Free

  • V: Very

  • G: Go

  • HH: He

  • JH: Joe

  • K: Key

  • L: Low

  • M: Me

  • N: Now

  • NG: Bang

  • P: Pay

  • R: Right

  • S: See

  • SH: Shut

  • ZH: Pleasure

  • T: Too

  • TH: Think

  • DH: The

  • Z: Zen

  • Q: Uh-oh (Glottal Stop)

Getting Started with Emvoice One

Internet Connection Required

Emvoice is cloud-based, requiring an internet connection to operate. When you enter notes, the data is sent to Emvoice's servers where it is turned into audio in moments by the Emvoice Engine. The audio is then returned to your computer where it can then be played back by the Emvoice One plugin. The plugin indicates when it is communicating with our servers with a spinner in the top right. A white spinner appears for a short time during normal request processing. A red spinner indicates that there is a momentary problem communicating with the Emvoice servers. Until the network request returns, audio playback is not possible, although it normally completes in milliseconds.

The User Interface

When you open Emvoice One in your DAW, you are presented with a timeline grid broken down into bars and 16th notes. The available notes are stacked vertically on the left – this editor is reminiscent of a MIDI editor you would find in most DAWs.

The notes that are unavailable to the selected voice (above or below its range) are greyed out and notes cannot be programmed on these lines.

The bar numbers at the top correspond with the bar numbers in your DAW project. Unlike a traditional MIDI editor where MIDI files can be repositioned in the project timeline, you must program notes at the appropriate bar in Emvoice. Emvoice One will then ‘sing' along as if it were a singer reading sheet music.

Emvoice One will automatically sync tempo and time signature with the DAW project it is loaded in. You can see this in the status section of the toolbar.

Selecting a voice

When you download Emvoice One you have access to demo versions of all our voices. If you buy any of our voices, the full versions will instantly become available to you in the UI.

To change between any of our voices simply open the dropdown menu in the top left corner of the Emvoice UI, just below the toolbar and to the right of the Emvoice logo. Here you can select any of our voices to work with.

Drawing Notes

In this section, we'll cover the basics of drawing notes in Emvoice One. (See also: Advanced Note Programming)

Working with the pencil/normal tools

There are four tools that can be used to program notes in Emvoice One. The normal tool can be used to enter and remove notes by double-clicking, and is also used for editing note pitch and length. The pencil tool is a quicker option for drawing notes, but it cannot remove or retime them once laid.

When Emvoice One opens, the normal tool is selected by default. To select the pencil tool, simply click the pencil icon in the toolbar. Alternatively you can follow Tools >> Pencil within the menu bar at the top of the UI.

Basics of drawing notes

If you have the normal tool selected, double-click where you would like a note to be placed. If you are using the pencil tool, click where you would like the note to start and drag until the note is the desired length.

When using the normal tool, notes will be created at the length of the last note selected. To change the length of the note using the normal tool, click and drag either end of a note's edge until it is the desired length.

Is your vocal sounding either too long or too short? We'd recommend extending or shortening a note with quantization disabled.

If you scroll up or down in the Emvoice One piano roll, pitches above or below a certain point will appear in a darker colour. These notes are available to play, but they are outside the recommended range of operation for the voice you have chosen. We recommend you avoid using greyed-out note pitches if your goal is to program lyrics with realism.

Right Click Menu

If you right click on a note, you will observe that the below three options appear:

Split Region: Will cut, chop, separate the selected region in two. The location you click on is the end point of the newly-created first region.

Insert Note: Will split the clicked-on note in two. The location you click on is the end of the first note, and the start of the second note. Useful for when expanding a lyric's syllable count.

Join Notes: Will combine all selected notes into one continuous note (while preserving all pitch movements). Useful for when reducing a lyric's syllable count.

Dynamics with the Velocity Tool

To use dynamics with Madison, select the velocity tool. You'll see it in-between the pencil tool and the velocity tool. We'd recommend using the R and F keys to cycle through tools for a more efficient process.

Once the velocity tool is selected, simply click on a note (or selection of notes) and drag up (to increase velocity towards 128) or drag down (to decrease velocity towards 0).

When dynamics are more forte, the notes will turn darker. When dynamics are more piano, the notes will turn lighter.

You can also control velocity with the normal tool: Simply hold option / alt while dragging up or down.

The Vibrato Tool

A video tutorial on how to use vibrato can be found here.

  1. With the vibrato tool selected, click and drag over a note to place the vibrato.

  2. Click and drag vibrato vertically to edit amplitude

  3. While holding alt/option, click and drag vibrato horizontally to edit speed

  4. Click and drag edges of vibrato to edit duration

  5. Click and drag center of vibrato to edit location

  6. Right-click to either a) copy vibrato settings (onto other notes) or b) reset vibrato tool settings

Basics of creating lyrics

The main rule of Emvoice One is 1-syllable-per-note.

If there are 5 notes, enter 5 syllables of lyrics. If there are three syllables of lyrics, enter three notes. And so on.

To add lyrics to your Emvoice song, simply click the box below each note or phrase that says ‘Enter Text', type your lyrics and press Enter or click out of the text box. When lyrics are added, each note will be equivalent to one syllable.

Quantization (Working on the Grid)

By default, notes drawn in Emvoice One are quantized. This means that their starts and ends will automatically snap to a grid of note divisions. You can change the ‘resolution' of this quantization grid from the dropdown menu in the toolbar. A smaller value means the note can be retimed in smaller increments; you can also switch quantization off altogether from this menu.

Working Off The Grid

Often, to humanize or fine-tune Emvoice's performance, it is useful to be able to insert non-quantized notes, as can be done by setting Quantization to Off (click on the square to the left of "1/16". You can also do this per-note, as and when needed, using the keyboard: Whilst holding Cmd (Mac) or Ctrl (Windows), drag the note to the desired position.

The same method can be used while dragging note edges to change note lengths.

Going off the grid doesn't just work with note timing – you can also ensure that note pitches don't conform to exact keyboard values by holding Cmd (Mac) or Ctrl (Windows) (See Also: Programming Vibrato and Pitch Scoops)

Working With Phrases

If notes are programmed far from each other, each will have its own text box. You can ‘fuse' multiple notes and use a single text box by creating a phrase.

If you create notes close enough to each other, a phrase will automatically be created; to combine notes into a phrase, drag one right up to the edge of another.

To deconstruct a phrase, simply hold Alt (on Windows) or Option (on Mac) while dragging one or more notes away from the phrase. The words from the original phrase will go with the newly separated phrase.

Note Flatten

To consolidate a set of lyrics into a single, continuous pitch, make a selection and double-click on the piano roll to the far left of the Emvoice One window. Typically, note flatten is most useful for creating harmonies out of an existing topline.

A video tutorial on note flatten can be found here.

Copy/Pasting Between Multiple Instances of Emvoice One

You can copy and paste regions from one instance of Emvoice onto the other, as long as each instance is the same VST/AU/AAX type. If you are not able to copy paste between instances, check to make sure that each track is in either VST, AU, or AAX format. You cannot copy paste from an AU instance of Emvoice onto a VST instance of Emvoice, for example.

Using MIDI in Emvoice One

Emvoice One’s MIDI Listen mode allows you to record MIDI data into the plugin as notes, ready to add lyrics. You can do this by either playing in notes using a MIDI keyboard, or by recording pre programmed MIDI data from your DAW’s MIDI editor.

MIDI Listen Mode

Emvoice One Explained 3 – MIDI Listen Mode can be found here.

To enable MIDI Listen mode, activate the red record button on the top left of Emvoice’s toolbar.

Then record MIDI into Emvoice using one of the two following methods:

  1. If you want to input a pre programmedpre-programmed MIDI file simply create or load a file in the same track as Emvoice and play the file through. As the MIDI file plays notes will appear in Emvoice’s piano roll.

  2. To play MIDI data into Emvoice with a MIDI keyboard then simply press play in your DAW and play your keyboard as you would with any other instrument plugin.

Adding Glissando Bends with MIDI Input

If you already have some notes recorded into the Emvoice interface and you record more notes over the top, Emvoice will interpret any simultaneous notes by adding a pitch bend. This can be useful for going back over a vocal melody and adding complexity.

How Emvoice Interprets MIDI Data

As Emvoice is a singer it is strictly monophonic. MIDI input thus acts in the same way as with a monophonic synthesizer. If one note is played and then a second note is played over it, Emvoice will only recognise the most recently pressed note.

If you record notes over an existing project in Emvoice One at points where there are no other notes, then a normal note will be recorded.

Emvoice One will not quantize recorded MIDI data. If you do want your notes to be perfectly quantized, it is best to do this before recording by quantizing the notes in your DAW’s MIDI editor, or after recording within the Emvoice UI.

Working With Lyrics

In this section we will cover adding lyrics, what can go wrong, editing pronunciation and creating a user dictionary of pronunciation.

Creating lyrics

As mentioned in the previous section, lyrics are added by typing in the text box below a note or phrase. Each note corresponds to one syllable so be sure to match your syllables and notes.

What Can Go Wrong?

If you misspell a word or use a word that Emvoice One does not recognise no audio will be produced. In the below image, the word ‘Galvanize' has been misspelt ‘Galvanise'. As a result, Emvoice One has not recognized it. This is illustrated by the red underlining and colouration of the text. No sound will be produced on playback.

If you're trying to enter a word that does not appear in the English dictionary such as a colloquialism or a non-English word, you will have to use phonemes to instruct Emvoice One how to pronounce the word. (See also: Pronunciation 3: Spelling Words Using Phonemes).

Preview and Audition Selection

To preview your work, you can play back Emvoice One and your entire project from your DAW. Setting your DAW's playhead location will set the same location in the plugin, ensuring that the two are in sync.

When fine-tuning certain notes or phrases, it is useful to play back just the section you are working on. To do this, select all the notes you want to hear and press the play in the toolbar, alternatively you can press Opt - Space (Mac) or Ctrl - P (Windows). Only the highlighted note will be played.

Using Phrases with Lyrics

In Emvoice One, each note is equivalent to one syllable. Multiple notes can be joined together into a phrase with a single text box (See also: Working with Phrases).

Therefore, if you enter a multisyllabic word, such as "Crazier", you must also have multiple notes to correspond. In this instance, as "Crazier" has three syllables, we have added three notes as a phrase.

If you have more syllables than notes, Emvoice One will continue to ‘sing' the remaining syllables at the pitch and length of the final note programmed in the phrase. If there is a word or phrase following Emvoice One will sing over itself.

A phrase of notes can also have multiple words assigned to it. The three-note phrase for "Crazier" could have also been used to sing "It's my time" or "Where are you" within the same text box.

Similarly, if we add another word, making the lyric "Crazier days", we'll need to insert a fourth note to match this fourth syllable.

Tip: To merge notes into a phrase, drag one right up to the border of another; to separate notes from phrases, hold Alt while dragging one or more of the notes away.

To start a word in one phrase and end it in another, you'll need to use phonemes to split the word into its constituent parts. (See also: Pronunciation 2: Spelling Words Using Phonemes).

Pronunciation 1: Selecting Alternative Words

Sometimes the pronunciation of a word may not be correct within a certain context. For example, for a real singer, the word "I" can often pronounced more like "Ah" in quicker phrases. Likewise, vocalists often do not pronounce the "g" at the end of words such as "feeling", instead pronouncing it "feelin'" .Stylization is paramount to creating a genuine-sounding vocal line.

Common Stylized Word Substitutions

I > aa

and > an'

don't > don'

to > to2

just > jus'

doing > doin'

wanted > wanted2

Some words have alternative pronunciations you can select easily for just this reason. Right-click a word to open a menu from which you can select predefined variations.

From this right-click menu, you can also preview each pronunciation using the play button to get a flavour of what each sounds like, and which will work best in your song.

Remember, not all words will have alternative pronunciations. You can add your own pronunciation options to your user dictionary (See also: Pronunciation 2: Creating Alternative Words and the User Dictionary).

If you're familiar with the pronunciation variations of a specific word, you can type them directly into the text box. For instance, the word "Without" has two pronunciation variations, as shown in the below image. Here, they represent a different sound for the "th" sound.

If you just type the word "without" the first pronunciation variation is selected by default. Instead of selecting the second pronunciation variation by right-clicking on the word, you can type "without2" into the text box and it will be automatically selected.

Pronunciation 2: Creating Alternative Words and the User Dictionary

Custom pronunciations of words can be created via the right-click menu. Click the pencil icon next to a word and a new variation will be created. From here, as shown below, you can edit the individual phonemes within a word, tweaking the pronunciation to your liking. We'll cover phonemes in more depth in Pronunciation 3. (See also: Phoneme List)

Any new pronunciations added will be saved within the user dictionary and can be recalled via the right-click menu at other points within any song. Custom words are saved using a hash before the number. You can also load these custom pronunciations by typing their name into the text box (eg, "without#1").

Pronunciation 3: Spelling Words Using Phonemes

A text box in Emvoice One doesn't have to be filled using whole words – you can enter individual phonemes to get more customization. Note that the vowels used in the below images are numbered either 0 or 1 – this is discussed in the Stressed Vowels section below.

You can find a full list of Emvoice One's phonemes earlier in this manual under the section entitled Phoneme List.

Entering Phonemes

Phonemes must be entered in between the < and > symbols. If not, Emvoice One won't recognise what you have entered as phonemes – it will think you're trying to enter words.

The below image shows the word "without" written using phonemes. Note the < > symbols.

This means you can enter half a word on one note and the other half on a separate, later note, without needing the two notes to work as one phrase. You can also create entirely new words out of English language phonemes.

Here we have separated the syllables of the word "Without", split between separate notes, letting us create a gap of silence in between.

A full list of phonemes can be found at the beginning of this manual under the heading ‘Phoneme List'.

Tip: To see and copy the phonemes of an existing word, right-click the word to access its alternatives, hit the Pencil Icon, and copy the phoneme codes from there.

The Glottal Stop

Introducing a break between two words is a way to bring rhythmic contrast in a vocal line. Also known as "glottal stop", this vocal technique is widely used across genres. To insert a glottal stop, enter " * " between two words. For example:

“If you * ever”

Note that this is possible only if the glottal stop is followed by a word starting with a vowel sound, such as “I” or “a”. If the word starts with a consonant sound, simply right-click where you want to insert the break and select “split region”.

In some cases, the glottal stop is automatically activated. For example, “my arms” sounds like “my * arms” by default. To remove the stop, right-click on “my” and select “my1”. You can also insert a stop directly in the phoneme editor, using the character “Q”.

The glottal stop is often accompanied by vocal fry, particularly in our voices Madison and Keela. This very distinct sound is again a great way to make your vocal line more interesting and real-sounding.

Stressed Vowels

The vowel phonemes shown in our images in this section are numbered – eg, IH0, AW1. This is an optional way to spell words, and entries in Emvoice's dictionary currently have particular numbers assigned to vowels in specific words. A vowel phoneme will still work if entered without its number.

The function of these numbers is to denote whether the vowel in questions is stressed (1) or unstressed (0). The difference is subtle, and we recommend trusting the in-built dictionary to start with, and only making changes to change the stressing of certain syllables, which is uncommon in English.

Advanced Note Programming

Copying and Pasting

Copying and pasting is very useful for repeating verse melodies and choruses.

The quickest way an entire phrase or word can be copied and pasted is by highlighting it, holding Alt/Option, and dragging it. This will duplicate the selected note(s) and you can position them where you would like. You cannot use this function on individual words within a phrase or parts of phrases – only standalone words or entire phrases.

To copy a word, phrase or phrases, highlight the desired notes and then, using the menu bar select Edit >> Copy. Alternatively use the shortcut ⌥ - C (Mac) or Ctrl - C (Windows).

Position the playhead where you would like to paste your copied notes. This is an essential step. Emvoice One will not automatically paste at the playhead's current location, it must be moved to the correct location. To move the playhead hold Alt and click on the grid where you would like it to be positioned.

To paste, use the menu bar and select Edit >> Paste, or use the shortcut ⌥ - V (Mac) or Ctrl - C (Windows).

Exporting and Importing Songs and User Dictionaries

Exporting and Importing Songs

Emvoice One projects ("Songs") can be exported and imported. This means you can reuse melodies, lyrics or both in multiple projects.

Simply open the file tab from the menu bar and select Export Song or Import Song.

It's important to note that your user dictionary will not be exported with a song. Therefore, if you export a song and share it with a collaborator, any custom pronunciations or words you have created will not automatically be available to them. However, you can also import and export custom user dictionaries separately.

When sharing custom pronunciations with a collaborator, we recommend typing custom words phonetically. Right click on a custom word, and you'll see something like this: K AH1 L EH0 R. Then, copy the phonemes into brackets. A collaboration-prepared custom pronunciation in this context would look like <K AH1 L EH0 R>

Exporting and Importing Dictionaries

Custom user dictionaries can be exported and imported in Emvoice One. This is useful if you are collaborating with other Emvoice One users as they will not be able to work on songs with custom pronunciations without your user dictionary.

To export a user dictionary simply go to File > Plugin Settings > Export User Dictionary…. This will create a .ud1 file which can be shared with others.

To import a user dictionary .ud1 file go to File > Plugin Settings > Export User Dictionary… and then select the .ud1 file you wish to import.

Programming Glissando

Much of the character of the human voice comes from its ability to slide from one note to another (glissando) and to vary the pitch of a sustained note (vibrato). Both of these can be recreated in Emvoice One.


To add glissando to a note, simply draw a new note during an existing one, at a different pitch using the [normal tool] or [pencil tool]. A pitch bend will be automatically calculated in the final audio by the Emvoice Engine during the transition. You can then fine-tune the new note in the same way you would edit a standalone note. However, you cannot extend the pitch bend to extend the length of the original note.

Drag the start and end of the note to adjust its length, and reposition it vertically to change its pitch. You can add multiple pitch bends by drawing in more notes.

Tip: Hold Ctrl (PC) or Cmd (Mac) to go temporarily off-the-grid in both pitch and time, helping you to fine-tune your pitch drift exactly how you want it.

Off Grid-Glissando

Start by adding glissando but then, whilst holding Cmd (Mac) or Ctrl (Windows), reposition the pitch bend so that it varies in pitch from the original note. Repeat this process so that the note varies in pitch above and below the original note, as shown in the below image.

There's no need to program intermediate stages of pitch drift between the original note and its maximum pitch drift – the Emvoice Engine will interpret the glissando pattern's distance and length based on the notes you've programmed.

Glissando Locations

Most users report success using Glissando at the beginnings and ends of note movements. For example, observe the below two photos:

View Options

In this section we will cover zooming, adjusting the editor size and showing numbered and coloured pronunciation variations.


You can zoom in and out horizontally and vertically in Emvoice. Horizontal zooming zooms the timeline in or out, while vertical zooming increases or decreases the sizes of the notes and their lanes.

Zooming can be done by clicking on the plus and minus icons next the each scroll bar (vertical and horizontal), or you can pinch to zoom using a trackpad.

Additionally, zooming can be done through the menu bar under View, or using Cmd (Mac) or Ctrl (Windows) followed by the arrow keys.

Light and Dark Themes

Emvoice One's user interface has two display themes, Light and Dark. Choosing an interface theme may be due to personal preference or your environment – Dark interfaces suit darker environments, while the Light theme is suitable in bright or outdoor environments.

Show Numbers

When using a phoneme with multiple variations, a number will appear after it to signal which version you are using. Whether this number is shown can be turned on and off by selecting View >> Show Numbers. Alternatively you can use the shortcut Cmd - B (Mac) or Ctrl - B (Windows).

Text Color Highlighting

Sometimes, a text box's default black text will be replaced by another colour (blue for phonemes, purple for pronunciation options…) This can be turned on and off via View >> Text Color Highlighting. Again you can use a shortcut, for this function use Cmd - T (Mac) or Ctrl - T (Windows).

Offline Mode

When using Emvoice One, hundreds of audio files are sourced and combined in a cloud-based server. For this reason, an internet connection is required to edit in Emvoice One. In most cases, the audio from Emvoice is cached on a user’s hard drive.

We highly recommend bouncing Emvoice to audio in situations where internet access is limited or unavailable.

Bouncing to Audio

If your vocal regions are created entirely within the Emvoice One plugin, your DAW may not realize that there is any MIDI data to convert into audio. To work around this, simply loop a MIDI region on your DAW’s track timeline which contains Emvoice. This should trick your DAW into seeing that there is content to be bounced. From there, bounce-to-audio as usual within your DAW.

A video example of this workaround can be found here.

Tempo & Time Signature

To change the tempo or time signature, refer to the options provided directly by your DAW. If the changes do not appear visually within Emvoice, try pressing play and the piano roll should adjust accordingly.

Varying Tempo / Time Signature

By default, Emvoice's BPM settings are set to Constant Tempo/Time Signature. If you're using Emvoice in a project with varying tempos, select the Varying Tempo / Time Signature option by clicking on the Tempo/Time Signature Capture button to the left of the normal tool:

To capture Varying Tempo / Time Signatures, you MUST keep the selection window open DURING playback. In other words, start playback at the first measure, play the track through (at least until the tempo/time signatures conclude), and then click the "Done" button at the bottom of the menu window. Since this is a capture feature, do not click "Done" until each section with tempo/time changes has been played through:


Each voice now comes with 10 presets, free of charge. To get the best overview of the differences between each, we think it's better to hear them than it is to explain by text:

Click here for an overview of Lucy, Jay, and Thomas's presets.

Click here for an overview of Keela's presets.

Preset basics:

Default - The main, core version of the voice.

Deep Electro / Deep Mind - Hard autotune with true formant shift of -3 semitones.

Technologic / Tom's Weekend - Loose tuning, true formant shift of +9 semitones.

Hard Tuning / Human Touch - Note-to-note glide time set to zero.

Loose Tuning - For creating casual, lifelike inflections. Commonly known as the "drunk" preset.

Smooth Legato - Extremely slow note-to-note glide time.

Low Octaver - True formant shift of -9 semitones.

Doubler A - True formant shift of -2 semitones.

Doubler B - True formant shift of +2 semitones.

Alternate Take - A fully new take of the voice with previously-unused samples from the original recording process.

Alternating Between Presets

It is possible to use multiple presets within a single instance of the plugin. This feature is currently in beta mode.

To use multiple presets within a single instance of the plugin, type [PR1], [PR2], [PR3], at the beginning of a vocal region. This will create an “override” of the main preset (visible in the top left corner of the plugin) for the region in question. Each number between [PR1] and [PR10] corresponds with each option from the voice’s preset menu.

For example, typing “[PR8] wish that we don’t dive too deep” would change this specific region to Keela: Doubler A (the eighth preset), while typing “[PR10] wish that we don’t dive too deep” would change this specific region to Keela: Alternate Take (the tenth preset).

Voice project file (.vp1) auto-backup

In version 1.0.51 onwards, .vp1 files are auto-saved. If your DAW crashes, you'll still be able to retrieve your work, all the way up to the latest edit. Here's how:

Find the auto-backup folder. We'd recommend creating a shortcut/bookmark for easy access.

  • On Windows, C:\Users<user-name>.emvoice\one\auto-backup

  • On Mac: Go to Macintosh HD. Hold <Command>-<Shift>-<period> to see hidden files. Then, look in /Users/<user-name>/.emvoice/one/auto-backup

Inside of the auto-backup folder, you'll see a series of .vp1 files formatted like voicepart_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.mmm_{UUID-of-the-voicepart}.vp1 These files contain a history of the most recent 6 .vp1 file edits for each voice part.

Copy any/all of these .vp1 files into a separate folder to save. Do not try to edit or load a .vp1 file directly from the auto-backup folder, as it could be deleted when the DAW and plugin restart.

Once the .vp1 file has been copied to a custom location, open it in the Emvoice One plugin by heading to File > Import Song and choosing the .vp1. Then, get back to creating!✨🗂️

Is Emvoice Compatible With My Setup?

The best way to know for sure is to install + download Emvoice, open it your DAW, and see for yourself!

If you run into any issues, contact a member of our team to let us know. Please include your DAW name + version, device name + operating system, and, if possible, a screenshot or screen recording documenting the issue.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How does Emvoice work?

Usually, vocal synthesis requires complex modelling algorithms that run on your host computer. This technology has not yet reached a fully-accurate level of realism and has been stagnating for quite some time.

Emvoice takes a different approach. We've broken record vocals down to the granular level, recording the elements that make up individual phonemes at multiple pitches. Thousands of samples are reconstructed by a sophisticated cloud-based engine that returns the complete vocal to your system over the internet. What you're hearing when you listen to Emvoice One isn't artificial - it's a real singer's voice interpreting your own words.

The Emvoice One plugin makes it easy to program notes and tie words to them, and the Emvoice Engine does the hard work behind the scenes to recombine phonemes... but there's one more layer to how Emvoice works. Our engine translates English-language words into phonemes to more easily speak to the Engine, and also offers multiple pronunciation options for some words, as well as the ability to add your own. You can also type English phonemes directly into Emvoice One's text boxes, should you wish.

Why does Emvoice require an internet connection?

Our audio engine uses gigabytes of individual files and highly complex processing to combine them into finished vocal lines. With such high processing demands, we placed the engine on servers around the world for a seamless user experience, no matter how fast or slow your computer is.

Is the idea of Emvoice to replace singers?

No, the idea is to enable every artist with the power of the human voice, not just those with years of professional vocal training.

Can I use your voices for commercial projects?

Absolutely, you can do this even as a demo mode user. If you’re generating lyrics or melodies that are already copyrighted, you will need permission from the rights holder. If your musical content is original, you can use Emvoice for commercial projects just as you can with most other virtual instruments.

How does the Emvoice dictionary work?

We think of lyrics as words, but the Emvoice Engine thinks of lyrics on the atomic level - as groups of phonemes at different pitches to string together. The dictionary converts one to the other, meaning that you can simply write a word, and the phonemes for that word will be interpreted behind the scenes.

This system also has other advantages. You can choose different pronunciations of the same word using a right-click menu, and add new custom pronunciations too. Each of these can be auditioned from within the right-click menu to preview the sound.

You can save a word's pronunciation to your local dictionary by clicking the Pencil icon in the right-click menu. From then on, you'll be able to access that pronunciation whenever you access the phoneme menu again.

Can Emvoice sing in any other languages?

Emvoice's dictionary - the part that translates written words to phonemes - is currently available in American English only. It's possible to create custom words by entering individual phonemes (See Emvoice Explained for more) but the only phonemes available are also English-language only.

How do I log in? What's your Activation / User Account system?

Once the Emvoice One plugin is installed on your system and loaded within your DAW, you'll be prompted to log in or create a new account. This is done by entering an email and confirming activation using the same computer that's running Emvoice One. Within the plugin, you can go to File > Manage Your Account to log into your Dashboard, where you can amend your account status, purchase licenses for voices and more.

Are Emvoice voices ready-mixed?

No. The Emvoice Engine puts together lyrics from raw, unprocessed vocal recordings, meaning that you get a neutral, realistic sound - not one that's been polished to the standard of another track. In other words, treat your Emvoice vocals in the same way that you would treat studio recorded vocals.

I can't find my Emvoice One plugin on my system...

Using a Mac? macOS support for Emvoice One is available for versions 10.13 (High Sierra) and upwards. First of all, ensure the plugin is installed, restart your DAW. If this doesn't work, go to your DAW's Preferences and Rescan for plugins. If this doesn't work, restart your computer and repeat these steps. Still no luck? Read on... For the plugin to be recognized by your DAW, it needs to be installed on your system and your DAW needs to be looking for it in the right location. In your DAW's preferences, you can find out which folders it scans for VST/AU plugins, and in some DAWs you can define additional folders.

What software is able to host the Emvoice One plugin?

Emvoice One runs as a VST2.4, VST3, AAX and Audio Units plugin, so is compatible with both PC and Mac systems. Host DAWs that load these plugin types include Logic Pro X, Ableton Live, Cubase Pro, FL Studio, Bitwig Studio, Studio One, Waveform, Pro Tools, and others.

Can Emvoice One create harmonies?

It's possible to create harmonies using several instances of the plugin at once. Currently, Emvoice One cannot run two sets of lyrics and melody in the same instance in order to harmonize with the same iteration of itself.

How do updates install?

In the latest version of Emvoice One, new updates are installed automatically by default. If you'd like to disable this for any reason, simply toggle File > Auto-Update is Enabled to turn off automatic updates.

Why aren't my lyrics syncing with my notes?

It's important to know that in Emvoice One each syllable must correspond to a separate note. If you have a multisyllabic word attached to a single note then Emvoice One will not sing the word in time with your project. Refer to Emvoice Explained for more.

Will I ever have to pay for an update?

Other than for the full range(s) of the voices themselves, no. We will constantly improve our plugin, adding new features and revising the vocal engine. The only thing for sale in the Emvoice One system is voices, not the plugin itself.

How do I run Emvoice One?

Emvoice One is a plugin in VST2, VST3, AAX and AU formats on Mac and PC. You'll need a compatible DAW (such as Logic Pro, FL Studio, Ableton Live, Studio One and more) to run it within. macOS support is available for versions 10.13 (High Sierra) and upwards.

How do I purchase a voice?

Open the Emvoice One plugin in your DAW, click on the voice name in the top left corner, and you'll see a "Buy" button appear as part of the dropdown. Click on the “Buy” button to be led to a checkout page. Alternatively, if you prefer to purchase without a DAW (on a mobile device, for example), you can do so from your Emvoice dashboard.

Emvoice One has not automatically updated to the latest version. What should I do?

Head to https://emvoiceapp.com/, click "Download," and re-install the latest version of the plugin.

My antivirus software is blocking Emvoice. What should I try?

In some instances, our auto-update feature has been flagged as a threat by antivirus softwares. We recommend disabling auto-update at File: Auto Update . . . and deleting the auto-update file (and manually updating the plugin, when needed). The auto-update file can be found at the following path locations:

  • Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\emvoice\one\updater\bin\emvoiceone-updater.exe

  • Mac: Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/emvoice/one/updater/bin/emvoiceone-updater

Why is there no audio when I freeze / bounce?

If your vocal regions are created entirely within the Emvoice One plugin, your DAW may not realize that there is any MIDI data to convert into audio. To work around this, simply loop a MIDI note onto the track timeline which contains Emvoice directly in your DAW. This should trick your DAW into seeing that there is content to be bounced. From there, bounce-to-audio as usual within your DAW.

A video example of this workaround can be found here.

Why is my Emvoice audio suddenly at a different pitch / speed?

Undesired pitch/speed changes take place most often after changing the sample rate of your DAW. Use Option + A to select all regions, and use Option + Up and Option + Down to move everything up and back down by a semitone, toggling your vocal regions back into the right pitch/speed.

Can I export MIDI out of Emvoice One?

Not currently.

I am having trouble finding the Emvoice One plugin in Logic Pro. What should I do?

Make sure that you are placing Emvoice onto an Instrument Track. To locate Emvoice, make sure to check your third-party Instrument folder (not your effects folder).

Is there a list of phonemes?

You can find a full list of phonemes earlier in this document or in the Emvoice Cheat Sheet.

I'm seeing a "Region Too Complex" error message. What should I do?

Right click on the region in question and click "Split Region" from the dropdown menu. Note that the maximum number of notes in a single, continuous region is 20.

I am having trouble using the space bar when entering lyrics while using Reaper. What should I do?

Disable anticipative fx from Reaper's audio/buffer and render settings.

I am having trouble creating an account or signing in. What should I try?

On Windows: Quit your DAW. In File Explorer, go to C:\Users\(user-name), and delete the .emvoice folder and everything in it. Restart your DAW, and try opening Emvoice again in your DAW. On Mac: Quit your DAW. Open Finder. Go to on Macintosh HD/Users/(username folder), then hold Command-Shift-period. A folder should appear named .emvoice. Delete this folder and everything in it. Restart your DAW, and try opening Emvoice again in your DAW.

I am getting a "Network Error" message. What should I do?

Make sure that your firewall is not blocking either a) Emvoice or b) your host DAW.

I am having trouble entering text into Logic. What should I try?

In the View menu at the top right corner of the plugin window, select "RemoteView" from the dropdown.

I am running into a bug when attempting to use the varying tempo / time signature feature. What should I do?

In the meantime between now and once we can get this resolved, try the following:

  1. Copy the time signature change settings in your DAW (using Command/Ctrl C).

    1. Make sure not to copy anything else at any point between now and step 4 (You'll need to paste what you just copied).

  2. Delete the time signature change settings in your DAW.

  3. Bounce your Emvoice track to audio.

  4. After bouncing your Emvoice track to audio, paste your time signature changes back into place.

What is the refund policy for voice purchases?

Subscription plans are non-refundable. Individual voice license purchases are refundable when requested up to 14 days after purchase. To get a refund, please open a support ticket using Intercom, the logo in the bottom right hand corner of this website.

Last updated